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Shinto Shinto
in this feudal world all is in danger as the rise of the dragons has begun these winged beasts taking over everything in sight burning cities down and for what now humans have resorted to dragon slaying and taming to fight fire with fire but one day admitst a battle a large dragon unlike anything seen before swooped in to claim domminance ripping and tearing appart both armies this beast is known as The Reaper for it seems to funcion on the use of death magic a long lost magic that is forbidden can our dragons and humans fend off the reaper dragon or will the reaper dragon grow and wipe out everything  we will find out

ok so ocs are preffered and you can either be a dragon human or other mythical creature you may have two characters and the reaper dragon is already taken by me i am the reaper dragon whom will have tons of lore added to in story)

there are three factions

(the mighty drako leigion of dragons

(the knights of lothoric

or the ruthless leigion of death wraiths whom serve the reaper dragon

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