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I'm not sure if this is the right technical terminology, but I remember seeing a website a while back that allowed users to place a watermark image over any image files they uploaded to their site. That way if someone tried to save/drag the image file, all they would get is the watermark image and not the actual image itself. I thought it was really cool since it allowed viewers to see the creator's work without watermarks in the way, while also making it more difficult for their works to be stolen. I was wondering if this was a feature also implemented in CloudNovel, or would be one in the future?
Hey there,

No one has really asked this, we do have watermarks for dress-up games in CloudAvatar, in case people want to prevent users from stealing the avatar image created from their dress-up games.

As of right now, no we do not have this feature. Whether or not this is a feature is something we'd add to our to do list in the future, we are unsure.

We're not an image sharing site, and usually the only time a platform would do that is if they are specifically an image sharing/focused website like photobucket or deviantart. Unless a lot of our users who are artists start complaining that their art is being stolen, this might not be on our top priorities of features to add in the future.

That's all we can say regarding this feature request. Sorry if we couldn't answer your question.
No, that's okay! Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, and I'm way happier to hear that there isn't a lot of art theft going around on the site.