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LunaShomeiRose LunaShomeiRose

Hey all!

So for a while now, I've had the idea to create a visual novel based on my Shiki fanfic (Dance With Devils). But the only thing is, I need some character presets for the characters. I would attempt this myself but my art skills are..... *cough* in need of improvement.

Link to fanfic:

So! I'm looking for a skilled artist to create the character presets and potentially some other artwork - including the character Shiki - for some of the dramatic scenes! For example, there are some fight scenes that I thought would be cool to have art pieces of Shiki in battle mode. Additionally, there's a scene where Shiki's wings have transformed into angel wings. I would love an art piece for this moment! But primarily, I'm simply seeking a character preset artist.

I would need presets for the following characters:
  • Shiki (the main character)
  • Rem
  • Mage 
  • Roen 
  • Urie
  • Jek 

And my OC's:
  • Male vampire, Hikaru (the design is completely open as it's yet to be determined)
  • Female best friend, Levi (resembles Levi Ackerman just because her name is literally Levi)

If anyone's interested in helping me with this project, please let me know! I'd appreciate any support!

Thank you ^^
I think I could help you but I need to know what exactly "character presets" are. Are they the same as character sprites or is there a difference?
id be interested in helping out