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Warning: Despite the cute and cartoonish artstyle, this visual novel ISN'T intended for children.

Play the available issues HERE.

Follow the story of Luciyn, a teen girl whose life changed after knowing her pet toad is the goddess' offspring. A remake of a Visual Novel (also made on this exact engine) I'm too embarassed to talk about.

In general, Dotspaces will be a series of episodic (new issues released sooner or later as updates until all of them are released) comic-styled visual novels with interactive stuff (as people will probably miss the choices that matter). All of them will be available in Brazilian Portuguese and American English.

Ps: The English version isn't guaranteed to be typo-free as English isn't my first language. However, if anything sounds weird, contact me!


Fun fact: As Dotspaces is a remake, some characters had to suffer changes, some minimal, and some that completely changes the character.
I've also got my own artstyle when the years were passing by.

Here's the Before vs After for some characters: 

Also, not only physical changes. I've also changed the backstories and personalities (only some, lol) of the characters aswell.