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Hello! Hello! Welcome to the first 'BossFight!' Roleplay!
This is honestly the first RPG styled RP I've ever hosted, so please if you have any suggestions, let me know. 
How this is going to work if this does end up being a successful thing, is that the players will make a party/guild similar to any typical RPG. Unlike other stuff I make, I'm going to be a tad stricter on the rules. Your character as always, must not be overpowered and must be original. This may work kind of similar to DND in a sense, except I've never played so I can't really say anything. I am not going to be more over part of your party, but rather the person that sets the events and creates the bosses and NPCs. I am going to let you know before you join, your character can die, but if it does, you are allowed to make a new one.
How fighting will work:
I will create numerous bosses that must be defeated to move on, similar to a typical RPG. When fighting, you will have Attack and Defense Stats, as well as a move set for your character. I will use a Random Number Generator to determine your fates (Since I don't have a die ;-;) Attacking will work as your move's attack number plus the random number generator number. If your attack number lands on zero however, then you miss. Defending will work as your defense number plus the number chosen on the random number generator, then subtract that number from the amount of hit points that the opponent dealt to you. Countering works similar to defense however, if you get a higher number on the random number generator than your opponent, then you don't get damaged but rather you damage the opponent. However, if you get a lower number, you just take less damage similar to defense. Statuses are moves that can affect either your own or your opponent's attack, like whether or not how easily they can miss, or if it can strengthen move set etc. An example would be casting a spell that would make the user's opponent more likely to miss.

Character Sheets are a MUST do to the fact we need to judge your Character's power.
Write a character sheet like this:
Abilities (Please list what your abilities can do like whether or not they heal, attack or only affect statuses):
Personality, dislikes/likes, images, etc. are optional 

That was long, but if you took the time to read that, then thank you. Have a nice day, and I hope you enjoy.
BTW, I will not be online often on the weekdays, so I will not be able to stage and set up battles during that time. It also may take me awhile to just stage a single boss fight due to me wanting to set up art for this and also create the boss's stats. Trust me, if you were in my life situation, then you would think it's a lot too. ;-; If you are on the forum while not doing a battle, just do typical rp things IDK. I'll create the lore for this thing later, I don't feel like it right now.