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Imma be VERY lenient on this. It’s a random rp so- go crazy. Do whatever you want, just be nice.
Annnnd there’s no specific character sheet. All characters should have one please but it just has to be whatever you see fit.
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
Name: Gina Jingwo
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes:Anything,Her Teddy bear
Dislikes: Broccoli
Backstory: Her mother gave her a teddy bear before she passed away so Gina carry's it everywhere and Never lets it out of her sight.

IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
Another oc
Name: Alec Shutter
Gender: Man
Sexuality: Gay
Likes: Wearing revealing outfits for important things or meet ups with friends, Hoodies
Dislikes: Nothing
Backstory: Had an abusive father and ran away after awhile and covers his bruises with a mask
Name: Jessica Stells, Miss Jessica, or Jess
age: 26
gender: female
sexuality: bi
likes: Children, working with children
dislikes: Most males
backstory: she had a bad relationship with a man and now she dislikes most of them.

IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
U^U I’m making another one real quick. 17 year old boy who can speak and understand most languages
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
Name: Tate Stells
age: 17
gender: male
sexuality: gay
likes: Cigarettes, smoking, speaking in Arabic
Dislikes: People constantly telling him to stop smoking
Backround: His father would always smoke and so when his father died when he was just 5, he started smoking then. You will never see him without a cigarette, he can speak 11 different languages. And Jessica Stells is his mother.

IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
So what do you want the theme to be?
Ummmmm good question 
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya