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CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Azazel City. A completely normal city with completely normal members of all kinds of species, who live in harmony with each oth- wait, is that a cage in the basement?!?

In Azazel Academy, things start appearing with the appearance of a new student, Mitchel. He starts poking around the city, specifically the school, for evidence of forbidden magic, secret hideouts, and even legendary beings? Could he be right? Is the city in danger because of this?

Probably not, right?..
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed

1. Keep in mind that abilities that force people to do thing against their will (Snap Teleportation, Mind Control) are illegal. You can have them per say, but be aware of the repercussions.

2. No insta-kill/insta-KO moves or infinite protections, unless species/element specific. You can have immunity from up to 2 species/elements. Each character also has a 5 ability limit, which can only be increased with an artifact in story.

3. No controlling other people's characters. You can ask them to do things, but don't try to force them. Exceptions are if they're bullying, shipping or bringing up certain triggers for your characters.

4. The character sheet must have  Name, Age, Power /10, and Speed /10/ All the other stats are up to you. If you made a sheet in the Crystal Cove roleplay, you don't need to make it here, as it's in the same universe.

Have fun, and if you really need a sheet, you may ask.
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Now for the fun part. I wait XD)
(Thats sounds like the boring part, ngl)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Name: Mitchel Azariel
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species- Nephilim/Mage Hybrid
Sexuality: Straight
Polyamory Open: Yes
Powers: Analyzation, Laws of Time, Future Observation, Stat Reversal, Desperation
Analyzation allows Mitchel to see all the information about a person that they have made public.
Laws of Time allows Mitchel to stop someone from taking damage for a minute when their health goes below 25%.
Future Observation allows Mitchel to see the next 3 moves a person is going to do.
Stat Reversal switches out one of Mitchel's stats with the target.
Desperation activates after self or an ally is defeated for the first time during battle. It heals the target for their full health, replenishes all their energy, clears all control effects, and grants them infinite energy for 30 seconds. This only happens once per person in a battle, unless there are multiple mages with this ability.
Power: 1/10
Speed: 1/10
Intelligence: 10/10
Weakness: Analyzation also tells Mitchel a person's trauma, so his emotional stability is not the best.
Laws of Time works once for person per battle, and he can't use it for himself.
Future Observation doesn't show Mitchel exactly how to stop the moves.
Stat Reversal can only be used once on one target.
Desperation can only be used once per person a battle.
Using Analyzation with any other ability at the same time drains Mitchel's ability to think, and other users have even exploded from doing it.
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
SnazzyWaifu said: (Thats sounds like the boring part, ngl)
@SnazzyWaifu (If you do it for hours, it is XD)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Update: This is now in the same universe as Crystal Cove, a roleplay by @YourLocalMadwoman)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*Mitchel walks to the school building and sighs.*

Mitchel: "Run a school, they said. It will be fun, they said."

*He opens the doors to reveal the dark and empty hallway.*

Mitchel: "I'm only 16!"
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Name: Cassie Shelton
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Straight
Polyamory Open?: Yes
Powers: Artistic Expression
When Cassie paints a picture of a person, she can choose to finish it in 10 seconds, showing her exactly what the person is feeling.
Power: 3/10
Speed: 8/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Weakness: If she moves 6 feet away from the painting while working on it, it will disappear.
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Mitchel: "The least they could've done is give me a guide for all this-"

*A light is on at the end of the hallway.*

Mitchel: "Hm? Oh, maybe they're in there."

*Mitchel runs to the end of the hallway. Inside a classroom, a girl is painting on an easel.*

Mitchel: "Hello?"

*The girl gasps and looks up.*

Cassie: "Oh!.. I didn't realize anyone else was here."
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Mitchel: "Well, just got here a few seconds ago."

Cassie: "Oh, are you a student here?"

Mitchel: "Technically... I'm also the manager."

*Cassie's expression goes from confused to surprised.*

Cassie: "I... I knew there was a leadership transfer... but-"

Mitchel: "Yeah, I know, this was dumped on me last week. School starts tomorrow too..."
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Mitchel: "How about you? You a student here?"

Cassie: "No... I go to Ronald High. I just find it easier to paint here. No one's been here in a while."

Mitchel: "Wait, seriously?"

Cassie: "There's been a janitor, but other than that, nothing."

Mitchel: "..."

*Cassie goes back to the easel, looking back at Mitchel a few times.*

Cassie: "You seem quite stressed. They didn't leave you with anything?"

Mitchel: "Some money... but nothing else."
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Cassie: "You have a lot of work to do then."

Mitchel: "I don't even know where to begin..."

Cassie: "You want help? My father owns Ronald High, so I know a few things."

Mitchel: "Really?.."

Cassie: "Yeah, just finished my painting anyway."

Mitchel: "Hmm... sure."

*She stands up.*

Cassie: "First, we make a list of what we need."

Mitchel: "I guess we're looking around the school."
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Cassie: "Where do we start?"

Mitchel: "Hmm... let's start from downstairs maybe?"

Cassie: "Okay then."

*They walk down the hallway until they find an open doorway. There's a stairway leading down.*

Mitchel: "This should be it."

*Cassie flips a light switch on the side.*

Cassie: "Must have broken lights."

Mitchel: "Alright, adding light changes to the list..."

*He takes his phone out his pocket, turns the flashlight on, and starts walking down. Cassie follows.*