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Hiya! This is my first time doing this so I hope it turns out okay to say the least. My VN "❤ A La Patisserie ❤"  is an ongoing entry to the current Chocolate & Sweets Jam Contest. It can be considered as girl pursues girl or boy pursues girl as the reader is an insert. Genre would possibly be romance, comedy, and slice of life. Rating is unknown but possibly set at PG-13 due to language.
You play as <name insert> who has just begun their internship at A La Patisserie, a pastry shop that is located on campus. You always had a passion for bakeries but didn't really know where exactly to go with it. On the first day of your internship, you happen to meet and work with two young ladies: Colette & Mildred. With crazy different personalities and talents, it seems almost like you are chewing more than you can handle. But you are a part of the team, and they will support you until the end of your internship. Or, perhaps, even past that?
3K word script met? ✔️ Story done? ~WIP~
Title Cover?  ❌
Figuring out CloudNovel? ~WIP~ 
Colette Sprites: Work? ✔️  Casual? ~WIP~ Additional Bonus* Sprite? ❌ Bonus* CG? ❌
Mildred Sprites: Work?  ~WIP~  Casual? ~WIP~ Additional Bonus* Sprite? ❌ Bonus* CG?❌
Recurring Bonus* Character Sprites: ~WIP~ 
Backgrounds: Store Front? ~WIP~  Kitchen? ~WIP~ School? ❌ Outside? ❌ Bonus* Home? ❌
Bonus* Item/Pastry Sprites? ❌
Bonus* Music? 

*Bonus items are if other necessities are completed or collaboration speeds up process'
Developer, Artist, Writer, Designer: BeriiCreations
**Project is opened to collaboration only for CG art, BG art, music, and possibly design. Background art is highest of priority.
Disclaimer: Since this is my first time doing this while also being a full time student, I'm not guaranteeing all of the items listed above will be included nor done on time. If I were to receive a collaboration that fits the aesthetic of the game, then it will make the completion come faster. I'm kind of set on making this a stand alone visual novel story but originally it was going to become a dating sim with affection, stamina, item, and intelligence bar stats with a small progressing story line. As this gets developed, I'm not certain which direction it will be completely set on. All of my work towards this project is on my own spare time when I'm not studying or resting. Also if anything is represented inaccurately in the visual novel, I apologize. I don't bake nor work in a bakery/restaurant.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy when it's finished. Colette and Mildred are inspired by my two kitties!
woop234 woop234
Don’t worry too much about the direction if things are still iffy. I’m excited to see where the path ends up for the game. 💕
OHISASHI said: Don’t worry too much about the direction if things are still iffy. I’m excited to see where the path ends up for the game. 💕
@OHISASHI Thank you for your kind words! 
I really like the title of your visual novel. I could picture it. Just do what you can, even if you don't get it finished post it anyway. I'm ready to bake and pull some of the teammates hair if they get in the way! 
WishingIris said: I really like the title of your visual novel. I could picture it. Just do what you can, even if you don't get it finished post it anyway. I'm ready to bake and pull some of the teammates hair if they get in the way! 
@WishingIris Yea I'm definitely planning on finishing it even if the deadline were to pass. There will be plenty of crazy silly moments you share with Colette your coworkers :')
Due to school I got really swamped with my classes but here's what I'm hoping to pump out by this weekend. Sadly at this moment, I can't even use CSP to possibly polish the art/resize it so I'm scrambling for ideas..:
  • Color Mildred work portrait
  • Color at least two other character portraits
  • Color 2 backgrounds
  • (Bonus) Color C & M casual portraits
  • Make simple GUI
  • Find a way to scan all images and edit them

On an interesting note, I started out this project with a full blown schedule take took place over x amount of days that had details events occurring as well as three notably different dialogues for each day depending on the player's decisions. There was going to be a stamina bar, journal that held 'affection points' for dateable characters, a progress bar for your pastry skills, and more.

Then about 2 weeks ago, I decided to cut down the dialogue & modify the story to fit my time constraint needs. I switched to making it a more 'wordy' story where few choices will hold bigger impacts.

And now after having someone test out the first chapter, I got some feedback to where I think it will nicely tie up this short story. Sad that I couldn't use all my time to work on it like what I originally thought but I'm glad to participate! My real goal is to finish the game no matter what. If I have some time and IF it feels rather bland on some things, I'd adjust it in the future after the contest is over. 

ANYWAYS- I look forward to publishing this for everyone to look at and (hopefully!) enjoy. Thank you ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
Hello everyone, just a post update after the results have been made. I wanted to thank the CloudNovel staff for giving my unfinished game a chance to be previewed and for creating the jam. I'd also like to thank those that have given my game a look.
That said... everything will be redone! I finally got my tablet hooked up and will be redoing everything (art, background, game design look, dialogue). I still love the idea of a paper traditional view so I'll be messing around with that. Other than that, please stay safe during these times. Thank you.
Hope everyone is safe/happy/healthy and being kind to one another. Didn't expect 2020 to be like this.

So about the game...
Still working on it! Did a minor/official update today that was mainly graphic. Finally added the looks to Karen & Hector and am *satisfied* with how they look. Don't ask how many times I struggled and cried trying to finalize Hector's face.

  • New title/thumbnail/sounds (will always be trying new looks)
  • Front Cafe BG (would like to redo!)
  • Hector Sprites
  • Karen Sprites
  • Updated Colette Work Sprites
  • Updated Mildred Sprites
  • Experimenting with Conditional Flags/Secret text (try different choices to see if they say something interesting)
  • Cleaning up some old buttons
  • Colette Casual Sprites
  • Play/Info Buttons (I'd rather make new buttons then attempt to clean up the old ones)
  • Kitchen BG
  • Uploading rest of chapters
  • Food Images
  • Custom textbox border
  • Custom cursor
  • Possible Outside Cafe BG?
  • Possible CGS?
  • Possible chibis?

I know my art isn't that pretty to look at but please bear with me. If anyone is even remotely interested in what I have learned or would try to help with for development, the sentence ahead will assist: practice! Even if it seems like something my inner third grader drew, just complete it and start new. Not satisfied? Do it again. Repeat until happy or just out of tears to cry.