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snappuchan snappuchan
"だけど今日も上々に 文句なんか言いあって 日常を踊る CRAZY NOISY BIZARRE TOWN"

Welcome to Morioh, a peaceful town with very nice people. Its a nice tourist spot with a lot of things to visit (ex. Angelo's Rock).
Soon, there is a rip of time in the JJBA timeline, in which everyone in the JJBA universe, OCs and Canon, are transported to Morioh 1999.

Rules rules read 'em well:
+No Godmodding, no OP stands
+Hamon and stands are allowed, follow the first rule
+Be nice to the ACTUAL RP'er, you can be rude in RP, but don't bully or harass the real person whose playing them.
+PLEASE do not instakill or teleport. I don't believe teleportation can be here, so please don't.
+PLEASE BE SEMI LITERATE!! I prefer 3+ lines, none of those little star thingies.
+Keep swearing to a minimum, just...dont be swearing every RP message you have
+There may be fights, but please dont go SICKOMODE and bomb the whole earth and go "Wowww! I LIVED!" this goes with rule 1 and 4 (Godmodding and instakilling)

(If you're complaining about rules I out them for the reason to keep an organized rp)
Forum (remove the parentheses):
Hamon or Stand?:
Whats your ability?: (hamon only)
Name of stand: (Stand only)
Stand ability: (Stand only)



Notes: You can also have crossovers, just...not OP crossovers
Fill out the forum after you say you want to join
