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[Author's Note]
This thread lists all of the visual novel projects that I'm currently working on!
Updates, announcements, etc. will be added here, so feel free to follow this forum post if you want to know more.

(Last Updated: 27/August/2021)

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(not the official banner art!)


* An anthology series about regular (and irregular) tales. *


"Afterlife Corp.'s invention - the 'memory capsule' - revolutionizes our perspective on life and death."
These capsules give those whose lifes got cut short a second chance to live their lifes without any regrets.

We follow Xeno and Aster as they are going through several capsules that are filled with bitter-sweet 

(This project mainly revolves around my OCs Xeno and Aster. I decided to create Memory Hunter in order to flesh them out as characters as well as to practice my storytelling! :])

[Progress Tracker]

– Story (1/?)
– Character Sprites (2/?)
– Background Art (0/?)
– GUI (0/1)

[Game Features]

– Selection of Oneshots/Storylines
– Collectable Character Information

[Character Profiles]

TBA (I'm currently overhauling everything, including designs, story, and characters!)

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(not the official banner art!)

Cupido's Compass

* Always the bridesmaid, now the bride? * 


"Nora is marked as a 'hopeless case' by the Cupids. However, Ace sees this as an opportunity to escape from his routined life.
He tries to convince 'Cupido', the original Cupid (and his boss) by making him a deal:

In exchange for some free time on earth, he becomes Nora's matchmaker."

[Progress Tracker]

– Story (Demo: around 80%)
– Character Sprites (0/9)
– Background Art (0/?)
– GUI (1/1) (will be updated in the future!)

[Game Features]

– Nameable main character
– Collectable Character Illustrations/CG gallery
– Demo includes: 3 love interests (possible new additions in the future)
– Point System (Relationships, Skills)
– 'Matchmaking Game'

[Character Profiles]

TBA (I'm currently overhauling everything, including designs, story, and characters!)

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(not the official banner art!)


* A romance within two worlds. * 


"Erin spends most of her free time at the ('OtomeTheater') – a place where you can act out your dating sim phantasies with real life bishies! But once she realizes that those actors are just as flawed as she is a decision has to be made: which version of them will you choose?"

[Progress Tracker]

– Story (Demo: around 75%)
– Character Sprites (1/9)
– Background Art (0/?)
– GUI (1/1) (will be updated in the future!)

[Game Features]

– Nameable main character
– Collectable Character Illustrations/CG gallery
– Full game includes: 6 love interests (possible new additions in the future)
– Point System (Relationships, Skills)
– General and Exclusive character events

[Character Profiles]


Feel free to follow or to PM me!



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UPDATE: Character Profiles for DREAM/less

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Author's Note:
I'm still working on the sprite art, so I'll update the character profiles once I'm completely done with that.
For now, please accept these character sketches and name reveals..!

- Ame