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GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
“U muttered...”
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
A: "Oh, doesn't matter." *Mutters something else rude*
“Stop insulting me...”
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
A: " And why should I do that?"
8AnimeLord8 8AnimeLord8
P:*Appears by Anubis carrying a bloody decapitated head* "Hey tell the others I have Kyuubi" *Disappears*
“What the fuck?!”
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
A: *Walks away* " Phew, safe."
“Vincent do u mind holding Akeno for a sec? I have a demon i need to talk to...”
*mutters* what the actual fuck?!
*TPs to the underworld*
8AnimeLord8 8AnimeLord8
P:"Now kill Hitler little one"
*Stabbing Hitler shins*
“Phoenix i know ur here!”
*Vincent holds Akeno*
8AnimeLord8 8AnimeLord8
P:"one minute" *Tps over to Anubis*
“What are you doing?! They’re to young! They’re not even a week old!”