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oneinamillion oneinamillion
"stupid lightswitch"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*check cams*
*sigh* "i think... need to go buy a new light i don't i have one already." *gets up and heads to his car and grabs the light cover and comes back to P&S* "easy enough..."
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*works on random stuff*
*starts to screw the cover off and change it for the clean one*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
(i don't know where bloody is but he's on)
oneinamillion oneinamillion
( probably gonna get scared by him soon...yay *sarcasm*)
*starts to screw on the new cover* "...there we go"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
(*scared noises intensify*)
*tps behind Reese*
oneinamillion oneinamillion