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So I know that you can get points from selling assets and challenges + buying them, but are there any other ways? Like earning them? If not, than rip-

I'm trying to get some bc I have none rn and I found some stuff I want to use but can't since I need points. I'm broke (I have like 20 cents to my name currently) and suck at art so I can't sell that, or I'd feel like a scammer-

I can try selling GUI assets, but I'm not sure that'd work :v

Anyways, back to the main question; are there any other ways?
There used to be where if you posted in the forums/being active in the community you could earn some that way. I don't know if they plan on bringing that feature back, and the forum is still in beta currently. 

joining jams is the best way to earn points. we're planning to make a new jam in summer, so you can try joining if you want
challenges don't give points. they're just for fun
i'm not sure about gaining points by posting. we haven't discussed about it yet