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what all do you want to know about me man and mind drawing my first picture but like a Neko and obesely legs lol XDD)
Lulu437 Lulu437
any ways im 12 years old and im in 6th grade
Lulu437 Lulu437
whoa ok I got ya man im 16 and in the second year of high school and sweet thanks man also mind drawing him with jeans like the jacket and yellow boots lol
( also never mind I do know the YouTube you where talking about lol
Lulu437 Lulu437
Lulu437 Lulu437
there you go 
Hay goood morning man and thanks that looks really good!! ^^
Lulu437 Lulu437
Lulu437 Lulu437
Jingle bells, ein smells, aphmau x aaron, aarons hot, and ein not, APHRON ALL THE WAY, HEY!!!
Jingle bells, ein smells, KC x zane, zanes smart, and eins dumb, EIN HAS NO BRAIN, HEY!!!
Jingle bells, ein smells, jess x jason, aph is hot, and eins not, 2+2=22, HEY!!!

Lulu437 Lulu437
I just thought of it

Hay that ain’t bad man lol