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this is a rp of yourself. you can make your self or your fave animal as your oc as long as you have fun. 
1- br nice 
2-keep 18+ in private chat 

(oc sheet) 
poly open?:
family stats: 
dating stats: 
character based on:
about power:
looks like (can use picture):

i made the rp :))
( I can see that lol and wow kitty you've gotten alot better with your character sheets lol)
yes the other times i just didnt care) 
(so whats so different about this one )
name: yuri 
age: 17 
gender:  female 
sexualaty: bi 
poly open?: maybe 
family stats: 2 siblings, mom and a dad 
dating stats:  single 
race/speciase: ice fox 
character based on: ice fox 
power:  ice and snow 
about power: has the ability  to control ice and snow at will 
about: yuri loves to draw that's all you will know 
looks like (can use picture):

name: Jackson schick
age: 17
gender: male
sexualaty: straight 
poly open?: maybe
family stats: no parents and no siblings they left him when he was 13
dating stats: single
race/speciase: half cat half human 
power: night vision 
about power: cats can see in the dark and so the same traits went into him
about: generally a good kid helps out with things and likes anime and drawing 
looks like (can use picture):

name: crystal 
age: 19 
gender:  female 
sexualaty: straight 
poly open?: yes 
family stats: no one 
dating stats: single 
race/speciase: dragan 
character based on: a dragon 
power:  flight and ice and fire 
about power: can fly like a bird and breath fire and ice 
about:  not much about her except she is kinda mean
looks like (can use picture): 

(now Im guessing we wait till people join lol)
(Jackson was minding his own business in the park drawing and thinking to himself) 
(you just have to do a interdiction lol))
crystal and yuri doing there own thing yuri is drawing and crystal is making it snow*