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(shoto is a sleepy worm cause he uses that sleeping bag
(I know I shorten it so it sounds cooler lol)
-mumbling writing in notebook-
 miko looks at the wall and thinks* 
-mumbling starts to get louder-
miko's ears go down* 
-see's that- whats wrong 
miko: OH! nothing heh 
(max sees as well)max: hay I wasn't trying to be mean or anything I was just telling ya sorry if I made you feel bad  
-goes back to notebook mumbling loud again-
miko: you did nothing wrong im sorry if i made you think you did
-mumbling- so If kacchan does the AP shot dos that mean he/she (for anyone who either does female or male bakugou's) can make bigger explosions 
miko grabs their phone* 
-mumbling turns to actually talking out loud about kacchan- 
miko walks to deku* hey um