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miko ears go down as she cry smiles* im sowy 
-see's it- its ok no need to be sad this is normal for him -pats her back-

miko; hiss agh omg im sorry 
No worries I am used to hissing kacchan does it an my om got a cat a month ago and she does it often
 miko: wait the person you like hisses r they a cat?
no that is just their personality unfortunately 
miko: oh ok 
you will see what I mean later 
-and like on cue bakugou yells at him and hisses-
miko starts laughing* 
-laughs as well-
miko: welp you like a weirdo 
(lol I have no clue what's happening on here lol)
we r laughing at sleepy worm and i think boom boom child)