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If anyone has the time or cares to, please check out this in-progress YGO VN. I've noticed a lack of yugioh vn's so thought to take it up myself and create one. it still has plenty of work but this is it so far! also if any known for decent for-free digital art commissions, please hook me up, and leave a like on the vn. thanks!

Duel Monster Love | CloudNovel
I've updated my Yu-Gi-Oh! VN! It has a new scene, new name, and something that is detrimental to the series! Once you read it, please leave *1 of your favorite female Duel Monsters from each series* in the comments and leave a like! Thank you!

In A World Where Duel Monsters Can Love! Prologue | CloudNovel
An update on my Yu-Gi-Oh! Visual Novel In A World Where Duel Monster Can Love!: Prologue, I plan to release the full demo version by my birthday, February 9th, 2021, and then development on the full version will begin immediately afterwards! Also hopefully I may get a friend to do digital sprites so you don't have to witness the horror of hand-drawn sprites. Thank you for reading this update, and please stick around for the full release! Thank you!

In A World Where Duel Monsters Can Love! Prologue | CloudNovel
It's here ladies and gentleman! My birthday has arrived, and so has the full release of my VN's demo! Enjoy!

In A World Where Duel Monsters Can Love! (DEMO) | CloudNovel