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max: sweet dose it need a key or no? 
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
kyle: *hands max a keycard* there ya go, need any help getting your things to your room *walks out from behind the counter*
max: ha I hardly have anything its just been me in my van for a few years now * he chuckled * but thanks anyways man come on up if theres something you need from me man 
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
kyle: i probably wont need anything for a bit, i'll call your room when i need you for your job.
max: alrighty man hay mind telling me what this job is am I like going to be working here and moving things?
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
kyle: yeah, being a hotel that also has a restaurant we get weekly shipments of supplies, your job is to help unload it, if you really need a job that is. but yeah you'd only need to work one day a week unless we decide to order more than we need.
max: well hell why didnt you guys say there was a restaurant ill do some cooking along side moving if you guys need me to 
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
kyle: alright, more money for you. for that you'll be working with a friend of mine, he's not working today but you'll meet him soon enough
max: alrighty then im assuming tomorrow is when they'll get here 
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
kyle: probably, he's been on a bit of a vacation for personal reasons.
max: ah got ya but alright man ill speak to ya later alright 
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
kyle: alright, see ya. *goes back to setting up new tables*
* max then went to the elevator and headed up to the room he was given and enters * max: dang not to bad in here actually 
( im guessing time skip?)
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
((yeah probably))