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Note: CloudNovel is not affiliated to, but we chose to make a tutorial for this site as it can keep your assets organized and its links don't expire. However, you still have to get the link for each asset, so it might be annoying if you have a lot of things to upload. The best way is to upgrade your visual novel into a premium visual novel to enable direct upload into CloudNovel library (it supports bulk upload too).
(it also works for sound assets).

This tutorial teaches you how to get a link for an image that works for: CloudNovel library, resource, forum

1. first of all, to use trello, you have to sign up

2. sign up with an username, email, and password 

3. click on the last point to skip tutorial

4. click on the button to start

5. this is a "card" on trello. It's a sort of folder where you can upload various assets

6. drag and drop what you want to upload (from your computer)

6. now you'll see it uploaded into the card. Click on it to open the card

8. you can see it in the attachments of the card you just opened

9. now you'll see your image zoomed. Right click on it

10. now you can go back to your project library on CloudNovel. In this case, I uploaded an image asset, so I'll go to the "image" tab of my library and upload a new asset

11. then I paste the link in the "source" box

12. done!

omg I didn't even realize you could just drag & drop..... thanks, fluff.... *hide in shame*
lenore said:

omg I didn't even realize you could just drag & drop..... thanks, fluff.... *hide in shame*

lol np