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I'm going to interview a CloudNovelist/a group of CloudNovelists every month for the newsletter. The aim of the interview is to ask more experienced creators to share useful informations or give advices to other users. 
Everyone is welcome to suggest a guest for the next month by sending me a private message.
You can also suggest a topic for an interview. I'll try to find someone suitable to talk about it.

  • the guest must be part of at least one game on CloudNovel
  • they must be someone who has relevant knowledge regarding a certain topic that CAN BE USEFUL TO OTHER CREATORS
  • we'll interview a "celebrity" CloudNovelist to talk about their projects only if there are at least 10 people requesting for a interview with them.

What the guest should know before accepting an interview:
  • The interview is not paid. We won't use your interview to earn money either. You are free to reject the interview.
  • The interviews are made to help other creators, so even though self-promotion in the interview is not forbidden (it's more than welcome to use your own work to talk about your experience), your projects won't be the main focus of the interviews (of course, interviews with "celebrity" CloudNovelists are an expection)