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Would it be possible to make also exports for browser instead of just windows/mac ?

Since we can play the game online, the browser export shouldn't be to hard to do.
So I did some tests, I unpacked the executable provided by CloudNovel. We can get the images (in assets folder) and all the files and the export should be able to be played from a browser (at least this trick works with some other engines).

I tested and uploaded it to my server, but it doesn't work (blank screen, there's just the right click option that is working) and I don't have time to go through all the files one by one and find what needs to be changed.

It's a pity because this browser version would have allowed me to easily export the game to linux, android and IOS via applications such as web2executable, cordova..., but nothing works.

VN games should be available on every platforms, browser, win, mac, linux, android, ios...
@davsuz78 Hey there, I'm still working on it. We will definitely add linux in the near future, and android and iOS are also planned. We're also planning to port to Nintendo Switch. Right now, we're currently going through a lot of changes, so major development work is put on hold at the moment.