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"Ah! It looks so cute!" Kiku squeaked. 
situbi: aw thank you its been a while since anyone commented on my cooking *she said happily * 

max: hehe you two are having fun over there 
"You're welcome!" Kiku smiled at her, then showed Max the box. "Yeah! Look! It's so cute!"
max: well its definitely better then a boring old sandwich thats for sure *he said chuckling *

situbi: she did really good even when i was helping her she was getting everything good *she smiled warmly to to them 
"I know!" Kiku said, then blushed. "I didn't get everything good... I chopped of one of the hotdog octopus's head!"
max: ha well im sure that guy had a HEADACHE*max chuckled and situbi did as well* 
Kiku giggled and punched his arm lightly. "No puns, punny guy!"
max: oh you know theres no stoping my puns kiku *he chuckled*
"I'll stop them!"
max: how are you going to do that huh *he said in a smartass tone*
"By doing this!" She pinched his lips closed. 
*max then started to talk but was muffled and then pinched her lips closed * 
She stuck her tongue out of the edge of her mouth and licked his finger. 
*max didn't seem fazed by it and did the same to her *
She licked his finger more.