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"I'll wait for it later, then," Eita said. 
max: hehe alright *he said chuckling * max:well come on guys lets get inside 
"Alright!" Kiku opened the door and brought everyone to the kitchen. "Let's make our lunches!"
max: hehe alright then ill help ya 

situbi: ill help to *she said happily but in a soft voice 
"No! You guys make your own!"
max: alright 

situbi: alright
*they both said going to the fridge to see what there was 
The other three peeked in, too. There was a lot of food.
*max grabbed some insta pasta and grabbed the box and the mayo and   started to make it and situbi grabbed some hotdogs and some vegetables and started to make her Bento box again 
Hiraoka and Eita made matching lunches, while Kiku struggled to make a cute lunch, like Situbi's. 
*situbi giggled seeing everybody* 
situbi: you know it takes alot of pratice to make cute lunches you guys 

"I've practiced!" Eita said. 
Kiku sighed as her hot dog octopuses(?) failed. "I can tell!"
situbi: here kiku let me show you how to make your hotdogs look more like octopuses *she said grabbing some more hot dogs and laid them out * (lol I have no clue how to describe how to make those things lol XDD
((we could skip the whole cooking part XD))
(lol ok XDD) 
*situbi then finishes her instruction on how to make a binto box *