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situbi  oh im not sure I haven't seen him around ever sense second hour   maybe hell be out here 
((i keep mass deleting messages because of being in groups and missing notis from here 😂 DM ME WHEN I DONT REPLYYYYYYYYYYYY))

"Awe, I was hoping he could come with!"
*max stoped at the spot from yesterday *  situbi: ya I do to but im sure well see him later 

max: ALRIGHTY where here *he said letting go of them *
She smiled. "Yeah, hopefully he'll come today!" Kiku nodded and sat down, and took her lunch out of her backpack. 
*max sat down and situbi did as well max pulled out his lunch he made with kiku and situbi pulled out a box * situbi: hay your guises lunches look the same *she said seeing them *
"Yeah, we made them together!"
situbi; oh man now I wish I went to hang out with you two I had to male mine alone *she said opening the box that had tiny hot dog squids and rice with some egg roles 
"Maybe we can make them all together tomorrow!" she said, then leaned closer, seeing her lunch box. "Oh, cute!"
situbi: you guys wouldn't mind and thank you I work hard when I make my food would you to want to try a bit  *she said quietly* 

max: ya man im always free and ya thats really impressive situbi
She smiled. "I would mind at all! Maybe we can just get together each day or two and make lunches together! And yeah, I'll try it!"
situbi: alright would you guys mind if I came with you guys where ever you guys go after school then *she said happily with a shy but small smile and picks up the egg role with chops sticks and holds it out to her*
Kiku took the bite of egg roll and smiled. "This is good! I won't mind!"
max: alrighty another friend to join *he said taking a bite out of his sandwich 
"Yeah!" Kiku smiled and started eating. 
max: so how about we go to kicks place today to go hang out