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*holds shoulder as hard as he can to stop the bleeding while he looks for a cup thing*
"hey whats wrong why are you hugging me so tight?"
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
"no fair! anyway what happened to Graham"
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
*finds cup and puts it on as to stop more bleeding*
"why dont i...ohhhh i think i know what happened"
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
@Cyankindasus "yes"
*lets go off you realizing he was hugging you tightly*
“Good enough”*looks around to see if there’s spare parts to fix him*
"the hell?" *realizes my crown was in the wrong spot* 
“No,No no no no no”
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
@because "dont ever try to shoot her ever again no matter what you understand me?"
*looks over* “I WAS TRYING TO MAKE HER SLEEP SO SHE DIDNT KILL YO SMARTASS”*heads over and closes the hatch with you 2 out side*
*coughs up Grahams arm* "hey uh whoever put on my crown please put it on right next time"

foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox