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*grabs m1 and changes the Meg with a trans dart one*
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
@Cyankindasus *tps back infront of you and grabs your hand* "no kill"
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
* Tries to shoot Trank darts at Chompette but they bounce off chains*
*looks at Graham and walks to him* "kill..."
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
@Cyankindasus *tps behind you and grabs your arm*
“ sh*t sh*t sh*t” *backs up well trying to change meg*
*chains fly at Graham*
* Dodgers some and use his shield to block others and drops gun in progress*
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
@Cyankindasus "theres no need to kill...please listen to my voice"
*one eye turns back to normal* "k-kill?...."
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
* Shimmies Closer to the gun*
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox