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foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
oneinamillion said: *RUNS OFF*
@oneinamillion *grabs and holds you like a puppy*
"thanks for holding me back... that happens when someone gets close..."
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
"i just dont want anyone getting hurt"
he says as a tree FALLS ON THE SHIP
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
"why does that always happen" *kicks tree slowly breaking it*
"HOLY SH-" *more chains appear * "why am i not surprised"

foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
*bites the tree breaking it a little* "my teeth can break through almost anything"

the entrance is now open to be explored *nudge nudge ;)*
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
"well it opened for a reason" *walks in*
"ok you ready?"

foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
*pulls knife out again*
as they head forward towards the cockpit they see a seat
*walks in and manages to get off the chains and decides to use it as a weapon*