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oneinamillion oneinamillion
NAME: John
AGE: 16 (Actually a hidden robot from the 1800's)
Weapon/Abilities: Superhuman Strength, SuperHuman Speed, (Some) Psychokinesis, Ninjutsu, Kung-Fu, Pyrokinesis, Swordsmanship, Agility, (Some) Reality Warping, (Some) Healing Factor, Shikotsumyaku, Precognition, Pistol, 
WEIGHT: 70.0
LOOKS: Like a normal human except Hands are part gray and is mute
( has kicked my ass hard for the past couple months...BUT...I AM FINALLY BACK...HA HA...)
*Sorting through a pile of rubble*
(hello..................uh i have no idea who you are .-. guessing........................azzy...but i dont know ;-;)
(I know Azzy but imm not him, im new)
(ah, noted, sorry)
(*bangs head* a also forgot which rp this was for a sec-)
*walks around inside the ship moving box's*
*sets down a box and heads outside, looking around*
*He sees a robot sorting through a pile of rubble*
"...uhhhhh huh...alright then" *walks over to it*
*Continues sorting, not seeing him*
*looks him over* ", excuse me?"
*Looks over and trys to say*
*He cant because his voicebox is ruined*