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ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
(CS = Character Sheet)
(Go look at it and read it then we can RP)
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"That hurt" *Rubs Snout*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"And what is this place?"
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Looks over* "Um, Who are you and What is this place?"
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"Well, i know this is earth but Where at?"
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
(By the way my character is like a werewolf but was born a werewolf)
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
*sneazes* *is on ship with a triangular divice * “first I am John foxy but most people call me John and two we are in a different dimension three I am safe from my war here
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Mutters* "Damn Odin"
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Hey In a dimension I traveled to one time I met Odin 
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"Dont speak of his name, I wish my dad didnt send me here"
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Ok and also I am a part god I can go with no food oxygen or water
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
(No OverPowered like gods but You can call yourself superhuman)
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
(Ok also I said part god he can still die)