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spooken spooken
Mavis growled. "When did I hurt him?"
“You didn’t! the 3 of us have been having a hard time controlling also threatened to slit our throat when we first met*
spooken spooken
Mavis paced back and forth. "I was just teleported here, from a important mission, that could have changed my life. So I was scared. I-I would never hurt him...."
“Still not the reason blank attacked you...we are getting off topic”
spooken spooken
Mavis frowns. "So why did Blank attack me then? Because Im a female?"
“He did it because he wanted to...and topic”
spooken spooken
Mavis took a deep breath in. "Okay...lets go back on topic then....."
“during that time he built me a body...when...that person...ripped my head off, it didn’t kill me, so it left me just a head, blank Abandoned me out there somewhere...and when I got rebooted, it fixed this version of me...basically there’s a clone of me out there”
spooken spooken
Mavis nods.  "Is the clone here?"
“No clue”
spooken spooken
Mavis sighs.  "But who shot him earlier?"
(...the clone...shot graham)
spooken spooken
(i know lol that part i know, she is just asking them)
(...ok then) “I...”
spooken spooken

Mavis frowns. "I knew it...."