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oneinamillion oneinamillion
(I’ve been on here just not posting as much)
UnknownScars UnknownScars
oneinamillion oneinamillion
UnknownScars UnknownScars
*Twitches and scratches my neck till it turns red* 
"Why do you always scratch your neck like that?"
UnknownScars UnknownScars
"Oh um, well I don't know actually. I've been told it's because of my nerves, so I do I guess I do it when I'm stressed or nervous or things like that."
GrimesBlitzo GrimesBlitzo
(Hey Whats up im new)
UnknownScars UnknownScars
(Yo well I'm just sitting with my black dog the size of a horse but besides that not much.) 
(and I'm sitting next to her)
GrimesBlitzo GrimesBlitzo
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*walks around*
UnknownScars UnknownScars
*Sighs and looks around* 
*Vincent gently places his hand on Kit's hand*