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(*looks for a sign* "Tell me what to do..."mother" *still looking at the sky* "I need information...How can I make this right?")
("wow he really has lost it...well have fun with you wasting your life away")
(*gets a message from the higher ones...He looks at him* "Kill me")
("w-what, b-but your my friend, f-friends dont kill each other...well...i don't kill friends you guys s-seem to")
("Whats wrong?I thought you changed...Kill me, do it...I don't need anything anymore")
("n-no i'm not going to k-kill you, Reese wouldn't want that...")
("Everythings my fault doesn't matter,life is meaningless without...Others around you")
("i-its not yo..." "of course its his fault BB")
(*Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven plays* "I've given up...Just like before...Everyone gets hurt when I'm around...Why does it matter what I want? Just do what you need")
("s-stop it, just stop")
("I'm a bad father anyway...I don't deserve that...Reese is too good for me...I'm just what I am...A failure and a monster...Left to be abandoned in the rain and dark *tears roll down his face* "This is what I deserve...Neverending pain")
("A-alex you'll be a great father we know you will, Reese needs you, she has said it herself...w-when i told her what happened to you she was me...she said it was my fault for what happened to you...and shes right, she need you pal, please don't do this")
("..." *Alex gets up...And looks at him* "Maybe your right...She does need me doesn't she?")
"yes s-she does, y-you can never listen to what Blank says, d-dot let him win..." "o shut up, just go die already")
(*Alex gets up* "Thanks...Buddy...I needed that" *The other Alex appears and looks at them both*)