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Welp, have fun.
*teleports back to Susie.* sorry, i heard loud noises..
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
Unkn0wnScars Unkn0wnScars
*Susie is staring into space*
(What is bbl?)
*pokes her cheek*
Unkn0wnScars Unkn0wnScars
(I drew three things and here they are:
Unkn0wnScars Unkn0wnScars
(I made these on Monday and Tuesday I hope ya'll like em)
(i might give Chris 2 new abilities once he fully freed as result of the experience)
Unkn0wnScars Unkn0wnScars
(Damn it the last ones fuzzy T^T and cool)
(@AzzyandVixy, get ur butt over here!)
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
(I'm here, I'm here. Sorry...)
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*Floats around, figuring out what to do for the wedding.*