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spooken spooken
Lorelai looked up. "Haru is coming back from Japan sooo a celebration dinner, and just to take a visit...."

Harvey looked up from his book, and took out his earbud. "Well what is the definition of mad??"
Eita smiled and nodded. "It sounds fun!"

"U-unhappy with what I did, and not wanting to be around me still..."
spooken spooken
Lorelai nodded. "Paris is lovely, quite a place to visit!!"

Harvey look down at his book. "Im not mad, just irritated. You went through all that effort just to not do work. I did all the things you asked. Then you wanted to play on my sympathies for basically for sympathy."

"Let's have a nice time there, then."

"I-I'm sorry..."
He looked down and rubbed his head. " about if I get a prosthetic until it grows back? A-and I can work until it's back..."
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Harvey shrugs. "It doesn't really matter. Prosthetic is your choice and Tommorow is a new day anyways....."

Lorelai looked up at Eita. "How have you been??' Its been awhile since we've talked..."
"Yeah... but I'll still work for you!"

Eita shrugged and smiled. "I'm doing well..."
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"Its fine, I don't need much help anyways. But there is one way you can make up with me...."

Lorelai tilted her head. "You sure sure? You look alot more tired...."

"What is it?" he asked quickly. 

"Er, I-I was busy getting ready to come here last night," he lied. 
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Loreai looked at him then away again. "If you say so..."

Harvey stood up. " Tommorow a guest that  Vincent has invited on relations of amping up both there empires., will be coming here . He will be staying here for a week, as I am supposed to be accompany him, so he "settles in". But....I suppose now you can take my place??" He smiled and tilted his head.
Eita bit his nail. "Is there anything you're going to do today?"

Ekibio nodded. "I'll do it! I'll see if I can get my prosthetic today!"
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Lorelai shook her head. "Would you like to go out, though??"

Harvey kept on smiling. "Your going to hate me by the end of the week....But yes, you need to be able to walk, so Griffin might have a spare....."
"Well, I'd like to look around.."

"Nothing could make me hate you. I'll get it soon... im tired."
He chuckled. 
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Lorelai nodded. "Of course!! Where would you like to explore first??"

Harvey closed the book and went to get a file off his desk. "This everything you should know about the "exquiste" Angel Hiko"." He giggled. "You might want to look it over. And be careful he is a major harlot and can be a very sneaky......."
"Well, I don't know what's here, so you could bring me anywhere.."

Ekibio nodded and went to lay on the bed. "Hand it to me, please?"
spooken spooken
Harvey handed him the file. "His grandparents used to be friends with my Grandmother, so make sure you don't anger him."

Lorelai smiled and led him down the hallway. "This is fathers library...theres thousands upon thousands of books in different languages, such latin, greek....." The room was huge, much bigger and grander than the Valencia one.