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spooken spooken
The maid bowed and walked away.

After some time Harvey came in with a stack of books and papers. He looked frazzled.
Eita sat down and put his bit of stuff away, then pulled out his phone and videocalled Ezra. 

Ekibio looked over at him. "H-hey."
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Ezra answered after a couple times. "Hello....." He said, and a murmur of voices could be heard in the background.

"Hey..." He said quietly.
"H-hi, are you busy?" Eita asked. 

Ekibio held out his arms for a hug. 
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Ezra shook his head and placed his phone on the table in front of them. Jasper was sitting next to him, along with a brown haired girl. Jasper waved, and smiled. "Just at a shoot currently...."

Harvey looked away. "Did you do it on purpose?"
"Ah, I-I can call once you're done!"

 Ekibio looked away. 
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"No its fine....." Jasper passed a water bottle to the girl. "Were on break right now anyways...."

Harvey frowned. "It wasn't a accident was it?? You do realize those things are perfectly safe....It would take a lot of effort to even do that...."
"A-ah, okay, that's good... how are you two doing today?" Eita laid down in bed and put the phone on his chest. 

"Y-yeah, it was on purpose... sorry..."
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Jasper leaned in the phone. "Im here for moral support but look at the ladies!!!!" He took the phone and flipped the camera, moving it around the studio and at a group of girls.

Harvey frowned and then he opened the door and left the room.
Eita covered his mouth and giggled. "T-they are pretty..."

Ekibio frowned more and sat up. 'H-Harvey!"
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Jasper smiled and then sat the phone back down aiming it at Ezra.

Harvey went down the stairs.
Eita smiled at Ezra. 

Ekibio tried following, but was slow on the stairs. "H-Harvey, I'm sorry, really..."
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Ezra slightly smiled back, and a person came over and touched up on his makeup.

Harvey ran his fingers through his hair. "I need some space for right now. " He said with a forced smiled, and his eyes flickered red. 
"Y-you look really nice..." Eita said dumbly. He always looked nice. 

"O-okay, sorry..." Ekibio frowned and went back up the stairs again, then went downstairs and left to go outside to his tree. 
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"Thanks...." He said. "I should be almost done, so I will call you later tonight, or [possibly tommorrow, okay??" A person called for Ezras name and he stood up.

Harvey went to parlor and sat down. "Don't even say anything Celeste. I'm not in the mood." Celeste took off her sunglasses that was hiding her brightly red eyes. "Seems to me that your well known temper is back...." She giggled.