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spooken spooken
( they aren't dating, they are on and off relationship thingy)

Harvey smiled. "Its quite....odd.."

Ezra kept quiet.
((Himiko and Ezra?))

Ekibio chuckled. "Good odd or bad odd?"

Eita went off to look at clothes again. 
spooken spooken
(yes lol)

Harvey tilted his head. "I guess good?"

Ezra bit his lip and sighed.
((well Ezra's still cheating XD))

"Alright, well, if you'd like, you can drink up. I can't bleed to death."

Eita glanced over at Ezra. 
spooken spooken
(true lmao)

Harveys eyes ceased to gold his usual color. "No..Its fine...I d-dont like killing things or seeing things of the verge of death...Its weird and Griffins thing...."

Ezra looked down at his boots, boredly and thinking to himself.

"Well, you won't be killing me or hurting me. I'll be fine." He chuckled. "A death god can't die."

After they were finished at the clothing store, Eita asked, "Where should we go next?"
spooken spooken
Himiko frowned as she read a text on her phone. "I got to go.....My manger is spamming me..."She sighed and then kissed Ezra on the cheek. "Come by later, okay?" Ezra shrugged and watched her walk off. "You can pick something...."Ezra said quietly again.

"Can't say the same about a vampire." He replied.
Eita looked over at Ezra once Himiko was gone. "W-well, I kinda wanted to try... m-makeup..." He wanted to look prettier to Ezra. 

"Well, you'll be fine, so drink up!"
(Can I join? Are trans people allowed?)
((yeah, they are!))
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
//HEY! How ye been?
((HEY im tired rn! but how are you?))
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes