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XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(Nuuu I had a cute ish drama scene planned out...)
(nononono..i'll fix it...TvT)

Ezra woke up like 10 mins later, realizing he dozed off. He went to the kitchen and made coffee and sat back down again...
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
*Ace got up walking over to Ezra* "P-Please stay..." *He seemed upset and afraid, his eyes where a dark ocean blue. He held the Cat pillow close to him, His head was tilted down so all you could really see was from his nose and down. He hicc'd a couple times as tears dripped from his face to the floor*

(i think my heart stopped-)

Ezra looked up at him,confused. "I'll stay..I won't let anybody hurt you..." Ezra held his hand.
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
Ace: *He held his Hand and quickly hugged him tightly hiccing still trying to stop crying*

(I- did I do something wrong?! *worried boi*)
Ezra held him close and petted his head. "I won't let them touch you again..."
(No....Ace is sad so I am sad....)
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(I've been sad all day.. T^T)

Ace: *he mumbled 'I'm sorry' repeatedly continuing to hug him, he had dropped the cat pillow and was gripping the back of Ezra's shirt tightly trying to calm himself*
(why didn't you tell me?? i would tried to make your day better!!! TvT)

Ezra continued to hold me, trying to comfort him...
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(Nah it's alright it's just probably my lack of sleep and med change)

Ace: *He hicc'd a bit more and finally the tears started to slow down, he hugged him tightly and fell unconscious from lack of hydration*

Ezra picked him up and placed him back in the bed.He covered him up with a blanket and sat next to him.
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(Shall we time skip to whens of the wakings of the ups?)
Ezra slept quietly next to Ace, his head resting on the bed while he was in a sitting position on the floor.

(i feel that didn't make sense at all...)
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(No I know what you mean lol)

Ace woke up coughing, he looked to the side and saw Ezra sitting next to him. He held his hhand and tried to stay quiet not wanting to wake him*