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*looks up nervous*
"Yep, there's even an kitsune there", She shows off her fangs to him.
*smiles slightly*
"An example of an human is So-Young Ryeo, the queen bee", She says in disgust. 
“Yeesh.... that’s a horrible name...”
"She's Korean and an brat", she explains to him
”that sounds racist”
(sorry i had to say that. For the trashy humor!)
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(I made the profile, can you go over and see what you want me to fix or add. Still looking for a picture)

Name: Uzumi Yuki
Gender: Female
Height: 5’6
Personality: Straight forward, Bold, Extrovert, Stylish, and Sassy
Job: Professional Model
Likes: Clothes, Strawberries, Coffee, Modelling, Talking to others
Dislikes: Annoying people, Makeup, Jello, and Basic/Fake people
Sign: Leo
Favorite Thing: Modelling
Favorite Animal: White Tiger

"Not really, I have nothing against Koreans or any race. Now it's her personality is why I called an brat"
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(Aoi.. Is it good enough?)
(Don’t ask me...)
{That's Fine}
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
("fine".. what can I do to make it better and more to your liking?)