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(Let me simp, I have no life already)
Luna texted back. Boy will be boys...

Aiden holds the girl up. "Sorry about that!"

(I didn't plan that..I just wanted to add a cool character....)
Wolf10321 said: (oop this is were Keiko meet roman bo,i roman boi falls in love with Keiko Zack get pissed off ik the whole stroy)
@Wolf10321 (No, Keiko likes to make friends, she isn't her grandfather who built a harem)
(Yeah...I don't want this character to be drama filled and have Lucifer's son killing him...)
(yea, that would be dark... coz Zack knows some interesting ways of killing people with fire...)
(Unless you want her to do a harem but if she does, Zack would be the highest rank one)

(tbh the only peeps ive simpped was himiko Toga and Jinx May and my apologez roman boi falls in love with keiko without her knowing Zack finds out and gets pissed off)
AoiOtaku09 said: (Let me simp, I have no life already)
(u can simp all u wnat, but i'm just staring at that sentence like what the actual fuck!?)
(I have my shrines...T^T....)
AoiOtaku09 said: (Unless you want her to do a harem but if she does, Zack would be the highest rank one)

@AoiOtaku09 (hell no! no harems!)
(whats a harem im srry)
(I said if; not that I would do it)
( a harem is someone with lots of lovers...)
(i'm not liking harems)
*text keiko* sorry....