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(the rules:no bullies and tbh thats all
uses () for talking but not in the R.P use [] for thouts that can't be heard {} are thoughts that can be heard this R.P you can curse)
Danceing56 Danceing56
(hope this rp doesn't crash and burn)
Name: Felicity Menrow
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Age: 17
Sexuality: Demisexual
Preexisting syndromes or mental sickness: Visual Snow Syndrome
Skills: Being condescending, manipulating people, getting away with lying, pretending to have feelings for people
Likes: Coffee, warm places, abused people, helping people, sharp items, firearms
Dislikes: The law, family, police, rehab, asylums
Looks:(sorta like this ig)

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(I don't think Arch ruined it but you think what you think

Also Google)
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(You can start)

species-Fire werewolf
details-has an eye patch bc he has a blind eye under there
likes-chocolate and chocolate ice cream and depends
dislikes-bullies and asylums
skills-not being caught,acting,pretending and fighting
skills that he doesn't have-lying and asking out a girl

(I have more chararters)
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Name-Jade Walker
likes-soft things and stuff like that
dislikes-bullies and depends
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(Awesome, I got one more character, hold on
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Name: Keith Davis
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Age: 17
Sexuality: Asexual
Preexisting syndromes or mental sickness: PTSD
Skills: Being aloof, knowing a lot about science
Likes: Science, silence, being at school, being alone
Dislikes: Family, loud sounds, glass breaking Looks:(sorta like this ig)
(I got 3 more and I have to eidt Wyat bio and stuff)
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