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Wolf10321 said: (hey after this round u guys wanna have 3 imposters?)
@Wolf10321 (Sure but we are going to need more characters)
(I can make some more....)
(impasta Toga
Mr. R; To be honest, I don't care that Toga died
Wyatt's votes:2
Haru's votes:2
*no one was voted out tie*
Hiro; Ohhhhh, Mr. R just roasted Toga 
Hiro; Why so cold, Mr. R
*Wyatt thinks to himself*:*if Hiro was a crewmate I would kill him and I'm kill the rodent*
(brb its my schools lunch time)
Ramen went to Admin and did the card swipe task.
Mr. R; I grew to learn not to get attached to students, I teach my students like colleagues nothing more
Ramen went up to Taro. "Who do you think is the imposters?"