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July passed so quickly, can you believe it's already August? Sonya has been busy behind the scenes helping all the users participating in the Fairytale Jam. We also added a major security feature this week that everyone might be interested in trying out, if they haven't already done so with other websites and apps! Yes, that's right, 2FA has been added (finally)!

Other than that, Cybunny is still on break. I am the substitute PR moderator for the meantime!

Featured Article: Brand Toolkit

CloudNovel is an all ages web platform that (we hope) is family friendly, and lets kids of all ages learn how to make video games without coding. With that said, we want to make sure everyone has everything they need to promote your game with our official branding graphics.

Visit our blog page brand toolkit to see all the graphics and branding guidelines for yourself! Click below to read the full page:

Sonya's Twitch Schedule

Hello everyone, last week Sonya couldn't do any streaming (we are so sorry) so this week we are trying again with a 2-day streaming schedule. As for whether or not we will be able to go back to a normal 5 day a week streaming schedule, it looks like we are going to stick with 1-2 days streaming per week. Sonya is trying to get back into the rhythm of a normal sleep schedule, so this might be the best schedule moving forward.

You can look at the full schedule here:

Sonya's Development Update

Here is Sonya's official development update for this week:

Hey everyone, this week had an important update, it is now possible to turn on 2FA, or two-factor authentication, with your CloudNovel account. You can scan the QR code with your phone and add an extra layer of security to your account.

That's all I have for now guys, sorry for skipping streaming all this week, been super busy!


Sonya's Closet Tour

This is our weekly newsletter section showcasing all of Sonya's favorite things from her apartment, new and old. Every week, she will share a few items that she uses in her everyday life, just like a closet or apartment tour!

  1. Japanese Bear
    Sonya loves to collect her favorite cartoon characters from a famous Japanese comic character brand for kids. This is just one of the stuffed bears she owns.

  2. Dragon Cat
    Lately Sonya has been really into collecting dragons, especially cat dragons, even more specifically a chonky grey cat who loves to eat food.

  3. Gaming Mouse
    Sonya bought an entire set of pink computer gear for her streaming adventures, but the sturdiest and oldest one of all is her pink mouse, from a well known 3 headed snake tech brand.

New Resources of the Week

Wow, talk about another crazy amount of art submissions this week! So many people from our community created so much art this past week, it looks like a museum! These are just 8 of them from this week!

End of newsletter

That concludes the first newsletter of August's news updates, from none other than me, @WineChan! 🍷📰

We hope you guys continue reading our weekly news updates, as we'd like to continue providing new content for all of you guys! Have a good weekend everybody!