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" read cweepy page"
*instructions for the book*
*the instructions say "The darkness lays dormant within...Safe to open when all is right...Unsafe when the silence grows ever worrying" *
"book stay close always, no open!"
*the paper then shows who is inside of the book*
"unknown person."
*a mask appears ontop of the book, it read "For those who see "him" protection is needed...Always watch...Always move...Never still silence, for danger lurks there" *
*something moves in the forest*
*looks over to the movement*
*the book reads "Some people seek this book...To use it and destroy... "He" will not harm the one who wears the mask...Keep the book safe...Open only with the mask on" *
"...why should care about book?"
*"The ones who seek this book only destroy...You are now the "Keeper"...The others are approaching from the forest...Put on the mask" *
"mmm" *puts mask on*