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Alex 2:"That means I am a demon...And this is just the form that I have taken, of Alex...but I feel as though I have another...For this form feels very suppressed"
Alex 2:*looks at Shree'Kala* "Even she got in the way...But that's her fault" *laughs a little*
Alex 2:"At first I didn't know my purpose, but now I do...I will destroy every relm...Every universe...and every world...This is just the beginning of my reign, of my wraith...I am now the most superior being"
Alex 2:*pulls out his sword* "Your not even an appetizer for me"
Alex 2:*waits for him to make a move*
(you do remember how my swords are still IN HIS LEGS!)
(I know) Alex 2:"Well come on then...Pull out your weapons you pathetic lifeform"
(ok) "and...why...would...i do...that?"
Alex 2:"Fight me with respect, present your weapons, it's only customary to do so before a battle"
"fuck respect! fuck customary!"