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(Goku Blacks theme)
(...i dont watch dragon ball Z...................)
Alex 2:*scoffs at everyone* "I was expecting a bigger party then this...But no matter, you all mean nothing to me"
*whimpers and backs up* (great time to whimper me!)
Alex 2:*looks at Alex* "Hello...Me"
Alex:*looks up and is horrified* "N-no"
Alex:*tries to crawl*
Alex 2:*Pulls out his sword and stabs Alex in the hand*
*goes wide eyed*
Alex 2:*begins to twist the sword while it's still in Alexs hand*
*before i realize what im doing, i turn my arm into my canon and shoot Alex 2 with a large amount of energy knocking him back and off you*
Alex 2:*gets back up* "You nuisance wait your turn"
Alex:*looks at him* "Th-thank you"
"u-umm..." *shoots him again*
Alex 2:*reappears behind him* "I'm afraid the same trick doesn't work twice" *kicks him into the air, spinning him*