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*gets up and peaks around the side of the tree*
*Alex begins to split in 2*
*Then a shadowy figure floats above Alex*
*watches in fear*
(This is where their is a reference to the main RP) *The shadowy figure turns into Alex*
(i dont remember a lot about shiz like this so...sorry) *...*
(Well their are 2 Alex's, one who is normal...And the other is well...You know)
(...i kinda remeber)
(This is when I met Blank)
Alex:*His eyes are open and are completely white*
Alex 2:*stretches* "It appears I have finally become my own being"
(To be honest Alex 2 reminds me of Goku Black from DBS)
(i...dont know who that is...) *...*
because said: (i...dont know who that is...) *...*
@because(Goku Black from Dragon Ball Super)