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Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
(the nice one, the cute one :P the one in control at the moment...and the scardy cat so hes not coming to you lot)
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
(Oh so it’s your normal one but another ego?)
*Alex and Shree'Kala get up*
*stays hiding under the bed*
"s-stupid b-book"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
“Huh book?”
"eep" *backs up a bit under the bed*
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
*looks under* “aw little child”
"n-no, g-go away!"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Alice “it’s ok I won’t hurt you”
"n-no, s-stranger!"