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Dear CloudNovel members,

As you know, Easter is just around the corner, and we want to celebrate this special season with you! We have a fun and engaging event planned for the week leading up to Easter, and we'd like to invite you to participate.

Starting from April 2nd, we'll be posting daily "egg" images related to Easter and spring on our social media channels. These prompts are meant to inspire you to draw or write something related to Easter.

We'll be featuring the best entries after Event is over, so you can see what other members have created. This is a fun and engaging way to connect with your fellow community members and celebrate the season.

However, please note that after the week leading up to Easter, we'll be switching back to everyday activities. The daily prompt will be running toward all April, you can check the “Monthly Prompt List” to know what is the word of the day - these prompts will not be related to the "egg" images yet they'll still be fun and inspiring. You can participate in as many prompts as you like, or you can simply enjoy the creations of other members.

We hope you'll join us in this exciting event! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at our Discord.