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ReedWriterBoi ReedWriterBoi
DONT ASK- But hello, I'm a light novel writer, a game maker, a soccer player, and sometimes I TRY to make music, turns out horrible though. I'm a full-of-energy negro man, and music is what hypes me up! My favorite artist at the moment is Lil Darkie, my favorite song is either METHHEAD FREESTYLE, Genocide PT. 4, or Big War PT. 2... Don't worry, they're as aggressive as they sound. I do have a novel I'm really working on, well two since I just made one called The Qalzon Time, but all of them are in the.. Creative Corner I think it's called..? In the writer's corner, my fully invested one is called Elemental Odyssey, and the other one is called Qalzon Time, and yes, Chap. 4 of EO is already in progress, about 1/4 done. I'm really happy to see I'm actually dedicating myself to something. If you're maybe wondering.. I.. Uh.. LET'S JUST DO SOME IMPORTANT THINGS FIRST! I'm a Gemini, but.. Don't think I act like one, Also, I happen to curse a lot, not all the time though, another is.. He/him pronouns gotta stay original, I'm a classified MALE! My name is Jae, as said. And, no.. No, No I am NOT taken. In fact, I was taken so many times, I'm actually thinkin' if being in a relationship is a good idea for me anymore. Also..... Eh, crazed anime, fan crazed FNaF fan, crazed God of War fan.. And... That's about it! That is me, in less than 300 words. Bye, Bye!